
Mahipal Dodiya

Competitor Intelligence

Get a customized competitor and market intelligence report to see if it makes sense for you to enter a new market and what more you need to get ahead.

Mahipal Dodiya

Content Writing & Localization Service

Translate and localize gaming content, creatives etc. before you launch in new geographies.

Mahipal Dodiya

Leverage Mobile App Marketing

Leveraged App Store Optimization and app install campaigns to grow an active user base for our clients.

Mahipal Dodiya

SEO & Premium Link Building

Ranked some of the top keywords across regions and niches in online gaming including but not limited to fantasy sports, online poker, betting, lottery and much more. We have cultivated partnerships with top gaming blogs and media sites and can get you quality, niche based links at scale.

Mahipal Dodiya

Social Media & Influencer Marketing Activities

Syndicated content on a monthly basis across popular social platforms for the purpose of brand-building. We also work with a number of bloggers and influencers in this industry to increase reach and engagement.

Mahipal Dodiya

Online Display Advertising

We worked with tried and tested publishers who have the relevant display inventory to meet your marketing and branding objectives.

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